I am…


I am a wanderer in search of life
Following the different roads
Throwing me down, or elevating me up
I find beauty in the way they embrace
And I keep strolling to seek more.

I am a poet in search of rhymes
Which resonate with my heart beats
Some laugh in joy, some cry in pain
I scribble like there is no tomorrow
For as long I live I know no other way.

I am a writer in search of words
Coining fables and sprinkling hope
To the tired mind, and hopeless soul
Often the thoughts go deep in the vacuum
Where I search for letters yet unknown.

I am a conjurer in search of magic
Hidden behind the  clouds I see
Found in the stars that glitter
And the moon that beautify
I ignite it all with one tiny belief.

I am a human in search of love
Which unites true souls of humanity
Found in the smile that reach the heart
And the embrace that make us live
Seeking the fairy tale, that is indeed eternal.

I am a child in search of innocence
Found in the first dew on that lone leaf
In the paper ship that sails in the rain
In the careless scratches, and magical smiles
Seeking all that I risked losing, to grow.

I am a believer in search of hope
For every time that I lose the battle
For every hurt that makes me break
For every tear that refuses to stop
For a second chance, we all deserve.

I am a person in search of myself
Who seeks love and care, success and fame
Who is a lover, a sister, a daughter and an aunt
Who knows only honesty, and want no lies
Again committed to finding the pure soul.

This is a list poem.

Written for the OctPoWriMo writing prompt Day Five : Writing a List Poem



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P.S. If you are an old reader of my blog you will notice that most of the first lines in each paragraph of this poem come from my definition of myself in the bio.  I could not write as much  I wanted to due to time crunch but something is better than nothing 🙂